Here are the Reasons to Eat Organic
- Avoids pesticides The best way of reducing your exposure to potentially harmful pesticides is to eat organically grown food, where their use is avoided. Over 311 pesticides can be routinely used in non-organic farming and residues are often present in non-organic food. Over 40% of all non-organic fruit, vegetables, and bread tested in 2005 contained pesticides according to the Government’s Pesticide Residues Committee. The results for particular fruit and vegetables were much worse, e.g. chemicals were found in all oranges tested, 90% of bread, 72% of grapes, 95% pears.
- GMO-free Genetically modified organism (GMO) crops and ingredients are not allowed under organic standards. Over a million tons of GM crops are imported to feed nonorganic livestock that produces much, if not most, of the nonorganic pork, bacon, milk, cheese and other dairy products in our supermarkets.
- It’s healthy On average, organic food contains higher levels of vitamin C and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and chromium as well as cancer-fighting antioxidants. Organic milk is naturally higher in Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin E, Vitamin A (Beta Carotene) and certain other antioxidants than non-organic milk.
- Tastes better and has more flavorMany people buy organic food because they believe it tastes better than non-organic. This could be because organic fruit and vegetables tend to grow more slowly and have a lower water content, which may contribute to the fuller flavor some people experience. A poll in 2005 showed that quality and taste of food are important to more people than low prices.
- Organic products meet stringent standards, meaning higher quality
Organic certification is the public’s assurance that products have been grown and handled according to strict procedures without persistent toxic chemical inputs. When you see that a product has been Certified Organic you can rest assured that the product, its ingredients, and the manufacturer have gone through a thorough investigation. - Good for wildlife and the environment Overall organic farming supports more farmland wildlife than non-organic farming. Studies have shown that it is better for wildlife, causes lower pollution from sprays, produces less carbon dioxide – the main global warming gas – and less dangerous wastes.
- Organic farmers work in harmony with nature
Organic agriculture respects the balance demanded of a healthy ecosystem: wildlife is an essential part of a total farm and is encouraged by including forage crops in rotation and by retaining fence rows, wetlands, and other natural areas. - Organic production reduces health risks
Many EPA-approved pesticides were registered long before extensive research linked these chemicals to cancer and other diseases. Now, the EPA considers 60% of all herbicides (weed killers), 90% of all fungicides (mold killers), and 30% of all insecticides (insect killers) as potentially cancer-causing. Organic farming keeps harmful chemicals and pesticides out of the food we eat and beverages we drink. It also prohibits the use of antibiotics in animal feed, which are routinely used in conventional farming and is known to create dangerous antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Organic farms also benefit the farm workers who have high exposure to chemicals and synthetic pesticides. - Organic farms respect our water sources
The elimination of polluting chemicals and nitrogen leaching, done in combination with soil building, protects and conserves water resources. Organic farming reduces toxic farming runoff and pollutants that contaminate our water, soil, and air. - Organic producers are leaders in innovative research
Organic farmers have led the way, largely at their own expense, with innovative on-farm research aimed at reducing pesticide use and minimizing agriculture’s impact on the environment.Organic farming is better for the environment, better for business, more energy efficient and makes better tasting fruit than conventional methods and most integrated production systems, according to research and studies conducted at several universities.
Organic Priorities — take a copy with you when you go shopping
(Adapted from Dr. Mercola by Philip Domenico, PhD.)
- Non-organic meats and dairy have far higher concentrations of pesticides than fruits and veggies. The highest concentration of pesticides is actually in non-organic butter. When choosing organic, focus on animal foods first, then fruits and veggies.
- Locally-grown organics are often the best bet, even if it’s grown conventionally. The environmental impact of shipping organic produce across the globe cancels out many of its benefits. Organic farming standards are also questionable in many parts of the world and in certain corporations.
- Beware of GMO Varieties! You can find out whether or not your produce is genetically engineered, by looking at its PLU code. For example
* A conventionally grown product carries a 4-digit PLU code (Ex: 4011)
* An organic product carries a 5-digit code, starting with the number 9: (Ex: 94011)
*A GMO product has a 5-digit code, starting with the number 8: (Ex: 84011) - Of the 43 different fruit and veggie categories tested, these 12 had the highest pesticide load, making them the most important to buy organic:
* Strawberries * Peaches * Apples * Sweet bell peppers * Celery * Nectarines * Cherries * Lettuce * Grapes (imported) * Pears * Spinach * Potatoes - The following twelve foods had the lowest pesticide load when conventionally grown. Consequently, they are the safest conventionally grown crops to consume:
* Broccoli * Eggplant * Cabbage * Banana * Kiwi * Asparagus * Onion
* Sweet peas (frozen) * Mango * Pineapple * Sweet corn (frozen) * Avocado - The Quality Low Input Food Project found that organic food is more nutritious than ordinary produce, and can help improve health and longevity:
* Organic fruit and vegetables contain up to 40 percent more antioxidants
* Organic produce had higher levels of beneficial minerals like iron and zinc
* Milk from organic herds contained up to 90 percent more antioxidants - A 2003 study in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry found that organic foods are better for fighting cancer.
- A study in 2005 showed that rats fed organic foods experienced various health benefits, including:
* Improved immune system status * Higher vitamin E content in their blood
* Lighter and slimmer than rats fed other diets * Better sleeping habits
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