Tag: detox


Dealing with Stress and Anxiety? – Learn which Natural Substances will Relax and Calm You Instantly

Feeling the effects of stress and anxiety? Let’s face it, we are a stressed-out society. And our habits of overwork, not enough sleep, too much coffee, too much sugar, refined foods, junk food that we use to temporarily relieve our stress, exposure to environmental toxins, and silent infections push us to burnout. Your adrenal glands produce powerful chemicals (cortisol, epinephrine,

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The Meaning of Colors Behind Vegetables & Fruits

We all know that vegetables and fruits come in different colors and each of these colors is a result of certain phytonutrients and antioxidants. The different colors are a result of different pigments and each one of which offers different health benefits. Generally, it is considered that the darker the color, the greater the health benefit the produce offers. Thus,

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Love Your Liver & Add Years to Your Life

Love Your Liver & Add Years to Your Life Plus: 15 Tips To Keep Your Liver Healthy People who have struggled for years with excessive weight and/or chronic health problems may be interested to learn that the liver may well be the missing part in the jigsaw puzzle to achieve good health. Chances are, you do not give much thought

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